The combustion space is in the middle of the cylinder between the pistons. 燃烧的空间位于气缸中部,在两个活塞之间。
The gas distribution device leaves enough space for an airtight transparent window which is arranged on the top part of a cylinder cover. 这种配气装置为在气缸盖顶部设置密闭的透明视窗留出了足够的空间。
Rails and bogies waste considerable space at the bottom of a treatment cylinder. 铁轨和小车在蒸煮缸的底部占用相当大的空间。
Some liquid will vaporize to fill the additional space, but usually not enough to excessively sub-cool the cylinder. 一些液体会蒸发,以填充额外的空间,但通常不足以过分次冷却钢瓶。
Packing gauge: A measuring instrument which is used to determine the space between plate, or blanket, and the cylinder bearers and thus, the amount of packing needed. 衬垫厚度计:测量仪器。用来测量印版,胶布和圆筒肩铁间的空位,因此而决定衬垫所需的厚度。
Say that I give you an ellipse in space as maybe the more, well, one exciting way to parameterize an ellipse in space is maybe the intersection of a cylinder with a slanted plane. 给定一个空间里的椭圆曲线,一个来参数化这曲线的有趣示例是,表示为圆柱体与斜面的相交部分。
The liquid is pushed from the cylinder by the vapor pressure of the product. As the liquid is removed, it increases the volume of the vapor space of the cylinder. 产品的蒸气压把液体推出钢瓶。在液体被提取后,它增加了钢瓶蒸气空间的体积。
After compared the advantages and disadvantages of the two boxes, the design optimization results was given for the space optical remote sensor cylinder electronic control box. 通过对比分析方形、圆形电控箱的优缺点及对整机性能的的影响,给出了空间相机圆柱体电控箱的优化设计结果。
Firstly we construct a suitable Green's function, which is an essential solution to the displacement field for the elastic space possessing circular cavity or moving rigid cylinder while bearing out-of-plane harmonic line source load at arbitrary point. 首先,构造了适合本文问题的Green函数,该函数为含有圆形孔洞(可移动圆形刚柱)弹性空间中任意一点承受时间谐和的出平面线源荷载作用时位移函数的基本解。
Calculation Model for Concrete Filled Steel Tube ( CFST) Space Truss Inner Cylinder in Hight Rise Building 高层钢管混凝土空间桁架内筒结构计算模型
Presents the application of Subsidiary Structure Method and Equivalent Cantilever beam Method to nonlinear dynamical analysis of Concrete Filled Steel Tube ( CFST) Space Truss inner Cylinder under earthquake. 采用子结构法和等效悬臂梁法对地震作用下钢管混凝土空间桁架内筒结构进行非线性分析。
Particularly, sphere virtual space has a better performance than the cylinder virtual space in presentation of the three dimension scenes, such as houses. 特别是用于表现三维室内场景,球面虚拟空间比柱面虚拟空间优越得多。
Time space design theory for deep ice wall of short cylinder 深冻结壁时空设计理论
Based on phase space reconstruction theory, correlation integrals of cylinder head vibration singals were computed out and regarded as feature sets. Some features were extracted from them and used to carry out the diagnosis for valve leakage faults. 本文在信号相空间重构的基础上,求出关联积分,然后将关联积分作为一个特征集处理,并从中提取诊断特征量,进行气门漏气故障诊断。
The static electricity field for two parallel cylinders with eccentric axes or separated, angular space, along with solution of the charged conductor of cylinder all can be explained by this kind of situation. 本文研究的带电导体圆柱位于接地导体平面附近时的静电场和角域场内的静电场就属于这种情形。
A five freedom mathematic model of cylinder in space is introduced, and then an algorithm to solve the parameters of cylinder with the least square method is described. 介绍了空间五自由度圆柱数学模型,进而基于最小二乘方法,给出了一种确定圆柱基本参数的算法。
The space potentials in co-axial cylinder and plate-wire installations are measured. 在同轴圆筒装置中和板线装置中,测量了空间电位。
The quadratic system in space with a first integral of quadratic cylinder is discussed. 继续讨论以二次柱面为首次积分的空间二次系统。
The construction of the software system of PAL is introduced, the system including the real-time dynamic monitoring part and the static stretching part, which has functions of processing images of three-dimensional space, two-dimensional plane surface and cylinder surface. 论文叙述了环形像展开软件的构建,包括动态实时监测以及静态展开两部分,其中静态部分可以实现三维空间,柱面空间,以及二维平面所构造的方形空间进行展开。
In this paper, the elastic semi-infinite space is Considered to be a semi-infinite cylinder, taking into account of the shear stress of this cylinder, in order to simplify the semi-space system. 本文将弹性半无限空间视为半无限柱体,考虑了此柱体的剪应力,以简化半空间体系。
Based on the volume relation between the annular membrane space and the large piston annular space, the inner diameters and wall thickness of the normal pressure cylinder are calculated. 根据增压器环形隔膜腔与动力液缸容积关系,计算了泵缸筒内径和缸筒壁厚L上的关系(?)
The airway space shape of automotive engine cylinder head is one of the important factors which effect engine intake and exhaust performance, and it also has a greater impact on the engine overall performance. 汽车发动机缸盖气道的空间形状是影响发动机进排气性能的重要因素之一,对发动机整体性能也有较大的影响。
Numerical simulation is not only used to forecast engine overall performances, but also reconstruct the fluid flow process, the charge of the turbulence, the space distribution of the fuel particles, combustion process, heat-transfer process and temperature field in the cylinder. 数值模拟法不仅可以用于发动机整体性能测试,而且可以再现缸内流体的运动过程、湍流参数的变化、燃油粒子的空间分布、燃烧过程的进展状况、传热过程以及缸内温度场的分布等。
We let a circular cross section scan along a space curve to generate the cylinder spiral spring coil. 采用圆截面沿空间曲线扫描的方法来编写生成圆柱螺旋弹簧的中性程序。
Generally, the space structure forms applied in projects are mainly traditional forms including surfaces like sphere, ellipsoid, saddle, cylinder and so on which can be expressed by analytic functions or combination of these surfaces. 目前应用于实际工程的曲面结构多为传统空间结构形式,例如球面、椭球面、马鞍面、柱面等可用解析函数表达的曲面,或者是这些曲面的组合。
Space above the ground is devided into two kinds. For effectively heating flying target, the laser needs to be set in the kind of space in which there is always a moment when the laser beam can irradiate the side surface of the flying cylinder perpendicularly. 将地平面上方空间划分成两类,为了有效加热飞行体,激光器应当放置在存在激光束垂直入射的那类空间中。